Dear Sara – As you know every single one of my ex-wives and ex-girlfriends has cuckolded me. Even if they didn’t start out cuckolding me, they began cuckolding me at some point in our relationship. I’m a good-looking guy, very accomplished, but very underhung. And I’m not very alpha, despite my financial success. It’s pretty well known now that women pick up on Alpha vibes and big dick energy. I give off neither.

Let me tell you about my latest girlfriend. Since you change names on your blog for privacy, I’ll call her Louise. Louise’s ex-boyfriend had to move out of the area for his job, so their relationship only ended due to long distance geography. She said they keep in touch and occasionally have smoking hot phone sex. Her ex, Tommy, has a new girlfriend who, when she saw Louise’s pics on his phone, suggested they do a threesome. Tommy and his new gf want to fly from Denver here (the DFW area) to make this happen. When I suggested we do an orgy, Louise made a scrunched up face and said, ewwww no. They’re not planning on flying here to do anything with your little dick, she informed me.

I found pics of her ex and his new girlfriend, “G”, on their social media, so I have been masturbating to fantasies of threesomes with Louise, Tommy and “G”. And I have to add, my girlfriend makes me lick her pussy and use one of her dildos or vibrators to make her cum. She tells me I have 2 minutes to fuck her and if I don’t cum, I can just jerk off. To add more insult, I always have to use a condom. My sex life is so humiliating.

30 November, 2018

You’ve probably heard about dogging in the UK, but you may not have explored how down and dirty it is! Now you can delve into for the XXX details of hooking up with anonymous strangers, no strings attached! Dogging typically takes place in full view of others who may either be exhibitionists or voyeurs.  There are locations for this pursuit all over the UK, kept secret from the public, right off motorways, in unused car parks or even more clandestine. Some locations are found only by GPS coordinates shared by text messages. And as you might deduce, some popular locations occasionally have to move if they draw too much attention from the local coppers.

Dogging may happen in a car, on a car or even au natural in the woods. You can find plenty of pics and videos on the subject online. People who indulge in it don’t seem to be too shy about being photographed or taped in lewd acts, nor should they. Dogging happens between consenting adults. No money is exchanged. The term originated in England back in the 1950’s.

Cheating housewives are known to go out and get shagged or gang banged at dogging locations unbeknownst to their husbands. However, some housewives are hotwives who like to cuckold their husbands such as this hot blonde. Her husband is a dogging cuckold who watches her get fucked by anonymous strangers at local hotspots. He licks out her creampie when she’s finally had enough. Cuckolding and dogging are a perfect combo!

Sara, I am married but my wife is going through menopause and lost her sex drive. I have what I call a work wife, a sexy Milf who I get along great with. I look forward to going to work every day just to spend time with her. Also to see what sexy outfit she may be wearing, such as a tight ladies business suit with a short skirt or a clingy dress. Plus the heels she has! Louboutin knockoffs she confessed. High, high heels with those red soles. Guaranteed to give me an erection on sight! Well, Cameron is always talking about how she is going on a date with this guy or that guy, I can’t keep them all straight. Then she tells me about the dates the next day or on Monday if the dates were on the weekend. She will tell me how hot the guys were in bed, but doesn’t go into details, I wish she did! She’ll say something like, he was so hot, he’s a keeper! In her usual sexy but sweet way. Her problem is she really wants to get married again and I think she telecasts her desperation to these guys. Or maybe they only want her for sex. She’s blonde with big natural boobs.

Sometimes I’m in the men’s room masturbating to her heels or her latest story about one of her dates. I think she has no idea how she cuckolds me! She even calls me her work husband and tells me she doesn’t know what she would do without me. Sometimes I do her work (accounting) so she can leave early to get ready for a date. My wife has no idea about my work wife cuckolding me. It’s the only thing that gets me through the work day and my boring nights at home. Calling you for cuckold phone sex is also a highlight!

4 May, 2016

I received this cuckold’s confession to publish on my cuckold phone sex blog. A big dick cuckold is rare, but it can happen, especially under this circumstance!

I’m a cuckold with a big dick! It won’t get hard, it just flops around like a hose. Even if I take Viagra or Cialis. But it’s all my fault. On this business trip about a year ago, I decided to cheat on my wife and do it with a hooker. I should add that my wife is very sexy and sexual, but I was just craving dirty sex with a pro. I asked the hooker to ride me since she had these huge tits. So she obliged me, got on top and started riding me hard. But then she kinda slipped off my dick and came down on it with all her weight. In doing that, she bent my dick in half. I heard it snap and I screamed in pain! The hooker was scared shitless and ran out of the hotel room naked with her stuff, while I ran into the bathroom to see about my dick. I had read about broken dicks and I knew this was a serious emergency. I went to the ER and a urologist was called in. He said I would need surgery within 3 days. I thought he was just saying that because he wanted to make some quick cash. I ignored his advice and decided to see a urologist the day I got home from my trip. To make a long story short, I saw the local urologist in under a week from my dick breaking sex romp, but by that point, permanent damage had been done. It was irreversible.

Let’s go back to when I got home from my trip. My wife was really horny for sex, I had to pretend like I was tired and went to sleep. My dick was swollen to like two or three times the size it normally was. The next day my wife grabbed my dick bulge playfully like she sometimes does. I screamed in pain which scared my wife and she demanded I take off my pants and show her what was going on with my dick. Did you get a disease you asshole? Is your dick burning with an STD or something? She then saw my swollen dick and smacked my face. What kind of disease is that? I then explained everything. She was furious and told me our marriage was over and she was going to file for divorce, that she wasn’t going to stick around with a husband who cheats with hookers and now had a broken dick. I begged her to cuckold me, anything to stay married to me, but she laughed and said she didn’t want to do anything that would excite me like cuckolding, I didn’t deserve to even be her cuckold.

So now I am alone. I can’t cum very often because it’s ultra painful to shoot a load. I dream of being cuckolded by any girl. I make good money and still have some dough left after the divorce. I do cuckold phone sex role plays and enjoy it when you (Sara) play my wife and decide to cuckold me and not leave me like my real (ex) wife did.

2 April, 2015

Some of the cuckold phone sex calls I receive are truly amusing. Tonite a cuckold husband called and said that his wife was no longer taking her birth control pills. This is not unusual for a hot wife who wants to be impregnated by an Alpha male instead of her cuckold beta male husband or partner. But the amusing thing was that she was making her husband take them instead, to flood him with female hormones and turn him into a cuckold sissy. She already had him in panties, but he confessed he wasn’t excited by wearing panties. He insisted that he wasn’t a sissy cuckold. He said he was excited that his wife was dominating him by making him wear panties and that this act was humiliating him every day. He was being panty-punished, as she called it, for not being a man.

He reported he had noticed after a month of taking the birth control pills that his nipples were more sensitive and that his facial stubble was not growing in as fast as it usually would. He also said that his cum shots were weaker and that he deserved that. He was hoping that the pills were making him infertile. Not that he got to have sex with his wife at all, but the idea that he was no longer producing sperm made him feel cuckolded. He now picks up his wife’s birth control pills at the pharmacy, which are essentially his female hormone pills. He said doing that excites him, because there are usually female pharmacists and pharmacy assistants behind the counter. He imagines how they would laugh at him if they knew he was taking the pills instead of his wife. He wondered what might be in store for him as he continues to take the pills. Will his voice change, will he grow tits, will his balls shrink?

16 January, 2015

One thing I can tell you about Cuckold Phone Sex calls, they are never boring. There is always a cuckold out there every time I sign on to take Niteflirt calls to tell me all about his cuckold fantasies, cuckold lifestyle or to seek cuckold advice. Tonight’s cuckold call came from a guy who relayed that out of the blue he got a call at his office from an anonymous man who whispered to him “Your wife is having a secret affair” and then hung up. Maybe this was just a prank, he thought. But there was some evidence. His wife had lost a lot of weight recently by hiring a personal trainer. She had also gotten a boob job, because after losing weight, her big boobs had disappeared. And she had started to dye her long brunette hair red. And he had noticed after all of this, she didn’t even care if he commented about how hot she was looking. He said she splurged on a whole new wardrobe. Due to losing weight, this might have been a necessity, but he noticed her new wardrobe included slut type outfits and a lot of hot bra and panty sets.

She seemed to be working late frequently and going to the gym all the time. And her sex life with him, he claimed, had been fairly active when she was overweight, but had dropped to near zero since she had dropped the pounds. He desperately wanted to ask his wife if she was having a secret affair with someone from work and was cuckolding him. I asked him, what’s stopping you from asking? He said he was masturbating more than ever! Excitement about her getting hot sex from another man was driving him into a jerk off frenzy. He fantasized what she would look like with her amazing new body and DD boobs with a huge cock inside her. Masturbating like this was making him have the most intense orgasms of his life. And he didn’t want her to get upset at him for accusing her of having an affair or accusing her of being a Cuckoldress even if it were true!